About US (เกี่ยวกับเรา)

Mr. Prem Piyasachadesh's Biography

H.E. Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, former Prime Minister of Thailand has given blessing to Mr. Prem for his hard work in Thai-India relationship.


H.E. Korn Dabbaransi, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand and currently President Thai India Friendship Association said kind words about Mr. Prem, a friend of His Excellency over 30 years. 

 Mr. Prem Piyasachadesh, said about King Rama 9. Mr. Prem shared his love, respect and commitment to dedicate his life to Royal Family and the nation of Thailand

Interview Mr. Prem at National Tv, channel 9 about his dedication to nation of Thailand and India

Luang Phor Piyasophon (Assistant Abbot of Wat Rama 9) mentioned about Mr. Prem Piyasachadesh President Peita.org Association

Mr. Pradermchai Bunchuaylear, position of District MP share his view about Mr. Prem Piyasachadesh President of PEITA.ORG Association

Organization's compliment documents
to Mr. Prem Piyasachadesh

H.E. Gen. Saiyud Kerdphol said about Mr. Prem
and his Blessing toward him. 

I was introduced to vegetarianism by Mr. Prem Piyasachadesh, who also helped to establish the Vegetarian Federation of Thailand. It also helped me understand Thailand's ties with India. I'm happy and always supporting him.

Gen. Saiyud Kerdphol
former Supreme Commander of the Royal Thai Armed Forces

3rd April 2024


Founder of MISB

Modern International School Bangkok

(Sukhumvit 39)

Knowing Mr. Prem Piyasachadesh

Mr. Prem Piyasachadesh is the founder and the President of Thai-India.com. Being a Thai citizen as well as a believer of the Indian faith, he has managed to embed his lifestyle with true roots of the values and culture of both countries as well as passed on the heritage and principles further. By representing the Thai-Indian community, Mr.Piyasachadesh shines with his diversity that helps the society distinguish him among his peers. With every individual he is introduced to, he not only plants the seeds of love but he nurtures those seeds with his beliefs and support, regardless of their appearances in order to share the same values.


Mr. Piyasachadesh has put in a great deal of effort into creating and maintaining bonds and relationships between Thailand and India that are based on Sincerity, Trust & Love. He has been well accepted by both the Thai and Indian governments as well as the private sectors of each nation, while being given the opportunities to serve them both in various ways.

There are still numerous opportunities that lie within both countries that have yet to be discovered and explored. Therefore, Thai-India.com is created to act as the significant information center, providing business opportunities and beneficial information to help assist and encourage more investments between the two nations. Thai-India.com is also a part of Sincere Investment Consultants Pvt., Ltd. (India) offering professional services to enhance the business between Thai-India and Asean


Work Experiences


·        President Trade Association

    Promotional Export and Investment Trade Association (PEITA)

·        President Business Club
    Thai India Busines club Thai-India.com                         

·        Advisor to Association
    Thai Boxing Association (Keta Muay Thai)

·        Managing Director
    P&Sons International Co., Ltd.

·        Deputy Chairman Assistant to Minister's working group
    Prime Minister Office

·        Director Finance and Planning Thai Kra Canal project
    Prime Minister Office

·        Advisor to subcommittee Religious
    Senate of Thailand

·        Director of Huai kwang district command center
    Law Enforcement Investigation Organization (L.E.I.O)

·        Advisor to Association
    The Association of Alliance, Faith in Good Governance

·        President
    Moral Lover Club

·        Vice President
    We love family club

·        Secretary Sub Committee (Family Level)
    Network Management Board 84 Organization 

·        Founder
    Modern International School Bangkok (Sukhumvit 39)



·        Vice President Minister’s Assistant Committee
    Prime Minister office Thailand

·        Director Financial and Planning Kra Canal Mega Project
    Prime Minister Office Thailand

·        Former Advisor sub committee Religious, Art, Culture and Tourism
    National Legislative Assembly of Thailand

·        Former President, Thai-India Business Council (India Branch)
    Board of Trade of Thailand

·        Former Vice President, Thai-India Business Council (Thailand Branch)
    Board of Trade of Thailand

·        Former President, Negotiation, Commerce, Investment and Tourism
    Thai India Economic and Culture Association (TIECA)

·        Former Deputy Secretary General
    Thai Merchant Association

·        Founder and Former Director
    Modern International School Bangkok (MISB), Sukhumvit 39

·        Former Vice President
    Huay Kwang Commune

·        Former Ambassador of Peace
    All India Human Right (AIHRA)

·        Former Advisory Board
    Royal Thai Police Cadet

·        Former Advisor
    Thai Police Newspaper

·        Former Director of Ethic Propagation
    Buddhist Institute for World Peace

·        Chairman
    Moral Lover Club

·        Deputy Chairman
    We love Family Club

·        Secretary (Family Level)
    Network Management Board 84 Organization

·        Former Executive Director
    Vegetarian Federation of Thailand

·        Former Advisor
    Civil Reservist Association

·        Former Treasurer
    Lions Club (Wongwianyai Branch)

·        Former Member Sub committee Ethics and Moral
    National Legislative Assembly of Thailand

·        Honorary Director
    Siam Citizen News

·        Former Volunteer of Senate
    Senate Sub committee of Thailand

·        Former Director
    Vegetarian Federation of Thailand

·        Former Advisor

    Civilian Reserve Personnel Association


I was born and raised on this motherland (Thailand).
Therefore, I will repay my motherland until my last breath.

by Prem Piyasachadesh


Mr. Prasert Piyasachadesh

 "I have inherited my father’s intention to pay back to my nation. The mission to promote Thai business in the global market base on moral, ethical and righteousness for the sustainable success"


Personally, it is not easy to understand the philosophy and to continue imprinting my father’s intentions because in today’s world, many people struggle with their livelihood and survival of the rising cost of living. This situation triggers people to think more of themselves before others. My father has taught me to always think of others before myself. In the business realm, to think of others is to think of customers first – How can customers maximize benefit from our products and services? This is followed by caring for our staff to live with stability and happiness. The next step is to take good care of own’s family. Then ultimately, think about ourselves. When we think of others before ourselves, my father calls it leadership.



It is a challenge to cultivate business with an emphasis on honesty, integrity and virtue in today’s times. Many times, I often feel that I am at a disadvantage in the profit-driven market competition. My father believed that though his teachings are not easily cultivated, they will provide a lasting effect from my generation to children’s in the future.



By joining the Association and having a role in driving entrepreneurs, in particular of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and expanding their businesses to other countries is a huge responsibility. We are constantly in search of new methods and forms of conducting businesses in accordance with the era of globalization and the era of free trade and capital movement. This gears an advantage towards people with high capital in expanding their businesses while further imposing a barrier for SMEs.



I am not a perfect person, but nowadays, I can distinguish between good and bad. I started to know myself more. I understand and keep up with my own mind. I live with consciousness and practice mindfulness and challenge my wisdom regularly. I now know which direction is the right direction and can now comprehend how to perform commercial business with consciousness and wisdom.



 Joining the Association help me to understand that the goal of driving entrepreneurship is much more important than money; it is about applying the philosophy that my father had cultivated and instilled in me. The idea of leadership, thinking of others before yourself, sharing, and honesty are key tools to apply when developing policies, management models, business model, all the way to participatory idea sharing to develop entrepreneur’s products and services. When we have the right mindset, we will also find the right direction in solving problems correctly. When we have good thoughts, we can also create love, trust, and extend relationships from partners to friends. And when we are friends, that business will also be stable and sustainable.


·      Deputy Director planning and finance Thai Kra Canal project, at Prime Minister Office

·      Assistant to H.E. Korn Dabbaransi, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand

·      Vice President, Promotional Export and Investment Trade Association (PEITA)

·      Secretary to Thai-India Friendship Association

·      Vice President, Thai-India Business Club

·      Deputy Honorary Director Siam Citizen News

·      Vice President We Love Moral Club

·      President S.C.I.C. (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

·      President SCIC TRADEX INDIA PVT., LTD.


·      Director Thai-India Business Council, Board of Trade of Thailand (BOT)


·      Secretary for Foreign Affair to Assistant Minister Committee, at Prime Minister Office

·      Director South Asia, Board of Trade of Thailand (BOT)

·      Director Middle East, Board of Trade of Thailand (BOT)

·      Director Africa, Board of Trade of Thailand (BOT)

·      Director Prime Minister Export Award, Halal Product